Out with the OLD in with the NEW!
We are clearing out previous editions of nearly all of our Deprivation.com publications to make room for NEW additions that will be published in partnership with The United Projects Alliance.
We’ve gone through our storage space and cleared out EVERYTHING including individual publications, mini-comix sets, buttons, and even a few REALLY old gems from the very first days of this project. We’ve even found a few old booklets of “Sporpy, The Citizen Horse, ” which was only intended to be a test run for a bigger project. It’s a disaster and you can get one of the few remaining copies in existence.
Unfortunately we will not be able to continue selling copies of “Rollergirl Six” due to some annoying legal issues. If you have a copy, hang on to it. We might be able to give copies away as part of a donation or “free gift” promotion, so check back with us.
Have a look for yourself in the Deprivation Shop.
And again, thanks for your continued support from everyone here at Deprivation.com.