I met someone at a church while there was a social event. H e was a man that looked like me and he seemed to know some of the same people that i did. We had a whiskey over by my car and then he walked off to the trees we had by the church. He said that was where he had his car, which was by the trees.
He was again at the grocery store buying cans of ground coffee, Admiral Brothers Coffee which is also the coffee I drink in the morning. He moved his hand to the knot in his tie, near his throat (the center of speech) so I knew he wanted to communicate a message to me. I was too slow or I couldn’t understand what he wanted. By then he was someone I had never seen before and he didn’t want to talk to me.

Later that day his face was right above me in the sky over the same church and he looked down. And that’s when I used that time to make my first report and I also gathered Samples to put in my tray, per instructions.
He was at my church one more time sitting next to my wife and he looked down again. Like others I heard “CONTROL.
DEPRIVATION NOTE: Thanks so much for taking samples. This is a new area of sci-ence and inquiry. Honestly, we are just at the beginning stages of understanding the physical effects of DEPRIVATION. Any information helps.